jueves, febrero 05, 2009

lagi2 racauan aneh

hmm.. blog ini sempet ditelantarkan untuk sementara, maaf maaf.
not much to say why; let's just say i hit an uninspiring period of my life.

semester 3 gue udah berakhir, sebenernya dengan kurang memuaskan sih, mehehehe.
i felt like i lost reason of being there and trying.
jadi usaha gue setengah2 gitu.
moga2 sih semester 4 kinerja belajar gue (halah) bisa membaik, amin.

pasti ada lah alesan Allah menetapkan nasib gue di jurusan ini, entah apa alesan itu.
so, i shouldn't be complaining.
i just had a rough semester, and i'm moving forward from it.
hopefully better.
HAS to be better.
i gotta DO better.


lagian kalo gue ga di jurusan gue yang skarang, mo masuk apaan lagi gue?
seni: jelas2 ga bakat.
ekonomi: HALAH! ini lebih2 ga bakatnya.
fisip: i avoid any future career that my parents were in.
sastra: hello. i couldn't even learn spanish properly. and people say spanish is supposed to be easy if you can do english!
teknik: i so suck at physics!
fmipa: i'm probably only passably good in biology, i suck at the other sciences.

ya ya, gue tau gue slalu bilang kalo cita2 gue jadi ahli forensik, i just didn't thought that i'd have to be a medical doctor first.
tapi orang2 bilang jadi dokter tu kuncinya rajin baca aja, dan baca cepet dan banyak tu mungkin satu2nya bakat yang gue punya, jadi main pede aja gue masuk kedokteran. (gue tau ini alasan yang aneh)

let me tell you something now.

the journey to become a doctor totally sucks!
no pain, no gain, literally!
apaan tuh kalo orang bilang gengsi masuk kedokteran, itu mah buat nyeneng2in dan nyemangatin diri sendiri biar siksaannya ga begitu kerasa. =D
no wonder some doctors lose their compassion along the way, they must've lost it in their educational years.


tetep harus semangat!

ga usah mikirin nanti bisa nyelametin nyawa2 orang, yang penting ga DO juga udah cihui!
God, you must have SOME reason you put me here, this is the (probably) right path for me!

semester 4, i'm coming!

but of course i have to take a break.
i appreciate immensely this short vacation.
i get to sleep in!
you know how i hate waking up so early.
and i get to sit around at home doing nothing!
you know how i love doing that.
(ujung2nya tetep setia pada kemalasan)

1 comentario:

eCHo CoLaTE dijo...

sabar ya nak.