sábado, octubre 04, 2008

Lebaran 2008

so Idul Fitri came and went..
met a lot of relatives and else that i haven't met in a while..

but oh some nice surprises!

i (briefly) met my little cousins from my mom's sister..
and oh how they've grown!
gosh they grow so fast.. (i sound old)

this year my family didn't go back to our hometown, as it is custom for Indonesian people to do that on Idul Fitri.
instead, we had a sort of open house and people from our neighborhood just went pouring in.
i didn't recognize more than half of the kids from our neighborhood that came to our house, i don't know whether that's a bad sign or not.

anyways, it was nice to see everybody who came over, and i'm grateful for that.

another nice surprise, around a week ago a childhood friend of mine from Arizona suddenly sent me a message on facebook and we've been messaging back and forth since.
it's great to get back in touch with her and i'm really excited about that.

so overall, it was a nice Lebaran for me, and i hope it was for you too..

again, happy Idul Fitri (although it passed already) and please forgive all my mistakes..

p.s. after this holiday, exams are coming up and frankly i am NOT looking forward to that. (curhat colongan)
i'm trying not to think about it much and just enjoy this holiday as much as possible.
exams = think about it later yod!
holiday = enjoying it while it lasts..
(i'm such a procrastinator)

3 comentarios:

suryowidiyanto dijo...


maacie ya yod komenna di blogq
makasi juga dah mau jadi follower gue,secara cuma lo doang yang mau jadi follower gue,hanya satu...ayod seorang huuhuhuhu...(entah karna orang indonesia gaptek or emang bener2 error systemna) sudahlaahh...
huaaaa... depok-cempaka putih??? capek ya, sama...dulu gue juga bekasi-depok pulang balik by train demi menimba ilmu di UI tuk menjadi manusia dudul hehe...,goodluck ya bu dokter kapan ni koasnya??? (sotaubgtgue)

ayod dijo...

sama2.. =)
hooo.. dulu ngambil apa di UI?
duh koas masih lamaaa.. huhuhuhuu.. smoga aja masih bertahan ga bunuh diri pas ujian.. haha..

Anónimo dijo...

uy link gw donk!