jueves, diciembre 25, 2008

unimportant updates

yah, berhubung udah lama ya ga aktif di blog ini, mo update apa2 kok jadi males..
since i don't know what else to write, gue update film aja ya..
actually, uda banyak banget film yang gue tonton sejak review terakhir..
but, in tribute to my old friend - laziness - i'll just post about the recent ones..

okay, first one up is Twilight..

biasanya gue ga terlalu suka yang digila-gilai nyaris semua orang, misalnya Harry Potter.
i'm just not interested in fads.
tapi, buat Twilight, gue uda lama tau tentang bukunya, baca sedikit2, sekelumit, berhubung males beli bukunya, mahal, hehehe. well, intinya gue suka.
setelah filmnya uda keluar, gue malah pengen baca buku2nya lagi secara detail..

anyways, since pretty much everybody knows about the movie, gue ga bakal ngomong banyak.
yang jelas, gue suka bukunya, dan surprisingly gue juga suka filmnya.
gue rasa cast-nya uda cukup mewakili apa yang dimaksud pengarangnya di dalam bukunya, dan menurut gue itu yang nomer satu paling penting untuk film adaptasi dari buku.

yang nomer dua terpenting, pemotongan ceritanya.
Twilight the book is loooonngggg.
pasti susah banget buat motong ceritanya, but the movie did a pretty good job, i think.

anyways, when i was browsing for the movie posters, i found several versions..

ini official posternya. maaf ya kalo kegedean, males banget gue ngecilinnya, hehehe. cukup oke lah, kan ceritanya si Bella-nya polos sampe jatuh cinta sama vampir segala, jadi ekspresinya Kristen Stewartnya lumayan mewakili ceritanya lah.

gue ga ngerti ni versi poster dari mana, tapi fotonya bagus.. sayang kurang mewakili ceritanya.

yang ini sebenernya not bad menurut gue, cuman kok penempatan bulan-nya agak aneh dan ganggu ya?

not bad, tapi kurang menjual ga sih?

foto2nya sama, tapi penempatannya lebih baik kan?

yang ini fan-made, i don't think it's bad, it's simple and quite nice.

ohhh.. i like this one.. tapi jadi kayak poster film horror ga sih? tapi gue suka ah.. oh wait, this is also fan-made.. nice one.

kok malah jadi ngomongin poster film twilight ya??? oh well. ngomongin film2 lain di post berikutnya aja ya. gue mo makan dulu. hoho.

here you go

since i know you have a bad case of short term memory, i'll stop reminding you and post it here instead. i know you'll eventually read it here anyways.

so here you go.

1,2 - 1 2 3 4
give me more loving then i've ever had.
make it all better when i'm feeling sad.
tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not.
make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
barely getting mad, i'm so glad i found you.
i love being around you.
you make it easy, as easy as 1 2, (1 2 3 4.)

there's only 1 thing 2 do, 3 words 4 you.
i love you (i love you)
there's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what i'll do.
i love you (i love you)

give me more loving from the very start.
piece me back together when i fall apart.
tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.
make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
best that i've had, i'm so glad that i found you.
i love being around you.
you make it easy, as easy as 1 2, (1 2 3 4.)

there's only 1 thing 2 do, 3 words 4 you.
i love you (i love you)
there's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what i'll do.
i love you.

"1234 - plain white t's"

nice words, huh?

sábado, diciembre 13, 2008

two g's, two d's and an a

most excruciating feelings ever:

when you know you've done something wrong, but can't do anything about it.

when you lose something or someone you love so dearly, but can't do anything about it.

when a big, powerful, black hole eat you up from the insides, but you can't do anything about it.

when you feel your whole world crumble into pieces around you, but you can't do anything about it.

when a fiesty fire burns you from the insides, but you don't know where to escape the excruciating heat.

life works in a very odd and unpredictable mechanism.
no one will truly understand where they're going or what's going to happen, no matter how carefully taken or thoroughly thought or planned our steps in life are.
though many people say that life is unfair, i still do think God is fair. life is fair.

no matter how good a person you try to be, bad things still come and do happen to you.
no matter how bad or evil a person you are, good things also happen to you anyways.
so life is fair. everybody gets the same piece of pie.
what happens is, maybe not everybody likes the flavor of the pie.
maybe some just eat half.
maybe some aren't satisfied enough and take another slice of pie.
maybe some don't eat it at all.
but you still get and deserve that piece of pie, whether you want it or not.
you didn't choose to be born and be alive, did you? but you still got life.

now, my piece of pie feels sour. bitter.
that happens whenever one or more of those two g's, two d's and an a show up.

which one of it is what i encountered with these past few horrible days?
you can take a guess.

not that i would tell the answer. ;)

sábado, diciembre 06, 2008


ya, gue sedang terjebak. terjebak pada kondisi yang tidak menyenangkan.
ternyata pms dan flu bukan kombinasi yang baik, teman-teman. and i learned that the hard way.
setelah kemaren gue berbete ria akibat pengaruh hormonal, sampe bolos praktikum anatomi karna sakit perut, ehhh skarang perutnya oke, idung meler dan batuk2. hiks.
why God, why??? T_T *ampun Tuhan, ga maksud ngeluh kok.. =)*

soo.. what should a girl do in time of despair?

option 1: study
ayod's thought: booooo... this sucks!

option 2: sleep
ayod's thought: ok, i'll do it.

option 3: ponder on why God bestowed this disturbing illness upon me, and therefore pray for forgiveness
ayod's thought: okay God, of course i'll pray to You whether i'm sick or not.

option 4: read endless comics online
ayod's thought: done!

option 5: ??
ayod's thought: any suggestions, anyone?