viernes, diciembre 15, 2006

ahhhh bosan

duh tiba2 terserang rasa bosan yang amat sangat.. bingung mau ngapain.. ahhhhhhh kalo lagi kerasa bapuk gini ga ngerti mau ngapain, tapi ada juga saat2 pas ngerasa, "gila!! banyak banget yg harus dikerjain!!! gimana mau slesai semua???!!"

bingung yaa...

arggghhh ga ngerti..

*post SANGAT tidak penting..*

hands down
- Dashboard Confessional

breathe in for luck, breathe in so deep
this air is blessed, you share with me
this night is wild, so calm and dull
these hearts they race from self control
your legs are smooth as they graze mine
we're doing fine, we're doing nothing at all

* my hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me
so won't you kill me, so i die happy
my heart is yours to fill or burst
to break or bury, or wear as jewelery
whichever you prefer *

our words are hushed, lets not get busted
just lay entwined here, undiscovered
safe in here from all the stupid questions
"hey did you get some?", man that is so dumb
stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear
so we can get some

hands down this is the best day i can ever remember
i'll always remember the sound of the stereo
the dim of the soft lights
the scent of your hair that you twirl 'round your finger
and the time on the clock when we realized it was so late
and this walk that we shared together
and the streets were wet
and the gate was locked so i jumped it
and i let you in
and you stood at your door with your hands on my waist
and you kissed me like you meant it
and i knew that you meant it
that you meant it
that you meant it
and i knew that you meant it
that you meant it...

lagu ini dulunya mengingatkan tentang hari minggu, tanggal 1 September 2002 *lama juga yaa* yang merupakan hari paling bahagia dalam hidup seorang ayodya. tapi sekarang aku mau bilang buat oknum yang membuat hari itu indah:

"heii.. apa kabar? makasih buat hari2 yang indah itu yaa.. makasih juga atas taun2 yang menyiksa itu,,gue banyak belajar dari lo. dulu semua buat lo, my heart was yours and yours alone *to break or bury, or wear as jewelry, whichever you prefer*, tapi sekarang.. semua itu uda lalu. thanks for wasting me away and giving me the best lesson ever - memberi tanpa berharap menerima. anyway, moga2 lo baik2 aja,,dari dulu lo emang slalu pantes dapet yang terbaik, yang ga akan lo dapet dari gue. skali lagi, makasih dan maaf buat semuanya.. i'll be remembering you.."

tapi sekarang, lagu ini buat DIA. yang kemaren memberi saya "hands down, this is the best day i can ever remember, i'll always remember". yang pelukannya merupakan tempat ternyaman di seluruh dunia. yang suka honey stars =). yang slalu sabar ngedengerin saya ngoceh. yang nanti akan terpisah dengan saya selama 20 hari. yang seveneleven. yang...begitu banyak hal. =)
makasih ya buat kemaren dan semuanya.. ayodh sayang kamu..

*aih kok jadi romantis najis begini*

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