jueves, julio 31, 2008
film ato game?
lunes, julio 28, 2008
sábado, julio 26, 2008
back to nature
..taman safari.
gila, rame!
di mobil gue: gue, Ichsan, Ilham, plus pak Untung yang nyupirin.. hihi.
di mobil Dafy: Dafy, Buti, Dina, Fiba, Mumu, Audrey, Sano, Esha.
di mobil Fian: Gigon, Fian, Asta, Dora, Nana, Mea, Adyt, Doni.
ahhhh gila, rusuh!!
i love my friends, but boy are they rowdy. hahahaha.
untungnya sih berhubung gue cuman bertiga di mobil, jadi ga terlalu rame.
tapi tetep.. gue Ichsan Ilham sibuk ngomongin anime, komik, sama game. hahahahha.
KATANYA sih ngumpulnya di rumah Buti jam 7 pagi.
tapi kalo jam segitu berangkat dari depok ke buaran pasti macet bangettt.
akhirnya gue tunggu mpe jam stengah 8 baru berangkat ke cempaka putih jemput Ichsan sama Ilham.
pas kita uda bertiga, kita telpon rombongan di rumah Buti dan mereka bilang kita langsung ke taman safari aja.
yauda deh, langsung cabut kita.
sampe sana nunggu, nunggu, dan nungguuuuuuuu mpe lumutan.
bocah2 heboh itu masih entah kemana-mana ternyata.
nungguuuu mpe akhirnya waktunya sholat jumat.
gue jalan bertiga ke masjidnya gitu, naikkkk nanjak..
sambil ngomongin *apalagi kalo bukan* anime-komik-game..
Ichsan - Ilham sholat jumat, gue berkeliaran deh sendirian kayak anak ilang.
lewat2in villa2 orang..
lewat jalan yang sepiiii dan aneh..
tapi lama2 gue takut kejauhan, balik arah, trus nunggu di saung deket masjidnya sambil main game di hp, hehe.
kelar sholat jumat, rombongan bocah2 liar itu blom dateng juga!
kita makan dulu deh.. huhu.
akhirnyaa oh akhirnya, dateng juga rombongan super rame itu..
masuk deh ke taman safarinya.
di dalem mobil yang cuman bertiga, kita sibuk moto2in satwa2nya. hehee.
kayak orang udik.
kelar muterin yang jalan satwanya, parkir trus ketemuan sama bocah2 lain di kayak tempat rekreasinya gitu?
di sana isinya cuman ketawa2 sama foto2..
dari taman safari, ke cimory ato cimori? beli susuuu.
abis itu makan sate..
abis itu pulang deh.. yaaahhh..
uda malem juga sih, dan CAPE.
gile, gue dari depok - cempaka putih - cisarua - cempaka putih - depok.
gimana pak Untung yang nyupir ya. hehehe.
dari pulang abis makan sate sampe deket cempaka putih aja gue sukses tidur NYENYAK.
kali ini Adyt ngikut di mobil gue karna mo pulang juga ke depok.
nganterin Ichsan - Ilham ke kontrakannya Ilham di cempaka putih, mampir dulu..
liatin Ilham main game sambil ngobrol2 berempat.
liat jam, wooo ternyata uda jam 9, huhuu pulang deh..
sepenggal kejadian2nya:
Fian: *menggerutu sambil ngutak-ngatik apa sih yang plastik yang nahan cipratan air kalo ujan di atas kaca samping mobil*
Mea: *ngebantuin Fian* sabar ya Fian..
gue: kenapa tu?
Fian: ini tadi copot disundul zebra. zebra sialan.
*di dalem mobil sambil ngeliatin satwa2*
Ichsan: yang itu kayak kambing cuman gede..
gue: yang itu kayak kebo.. tapi belang2..
Ichsan: kayak kebo-zebra gitu ya..
gue: yang itu kayak kuda-kambing..
Ilham: kayak di one piece ga sih, yang pulau yang binatangnya campur2 gitu?
*tetep aja ujung2nya komik.. -_-' *
*masih di dalem mobil, lagi ngeliatin linsang, ato apa ya namanya? oh well*
gue-Ichsan-Ilham: wahhh lucu ya lucu..
Ichsan: *moto2in*
gue: ehh yang disitu lagi gulat2an gitu!
Ichsan: *ngeliatin* um.. itu lagi main ato kawin ya?
Ilham: gue rasa lagi kawin deh.
*di cimory ato cimori? abis foto2 dan mau pulang..*
Mea: yod, mukena gue mana?
gue: astagfirullah! *lari balik ke musholla*
Mea: UNTUNG gue nanyanya sekarang!
gue: hihihihii maap maap.. Mea emang pintarrr..
Mea: gue yang pinter apa lo yang odong yak?
gue: hihihihihiii.. *cengar cengir dengan tampang bloon*
*di cimory ato cimori?*
Asta: yod, jungkat-jungkitnya kosong tuu!
*ada jungkat-jungkit ato apasih tu namanya seesaw? bentuknya sapi lucuu*
gue: oh! ok ok!
*gue dan Asta lari, trus naikin seesaw-nya deh*
Asta: *sambil naik turun* wiiii.. fotoin dong fotoin!!
*gue nyangkut di atas*
gue: Taa.. turunin dong Taa..
Asta: sialan ya lo yod, mentang2 gue lebih berat..
Ichsan: *neriakin* sadar umur wooiiii sadar umurr..
*di seesaw satunya ada 2 bapak2 yang lagi main juga dan mereka yang nengok! hahahhahaa*
tapi sumpah, SENENG.
you guys are great and i love you all!!
=) =)
lunes, julio 21, 2008
grand champion
senang riang hari yang kunantikan.. huehehehe.
we didn't actually plan on going somewhere specific, yahh emang bocahnya very mood-oriented.. *kayak lo ga aja yod* haha.
so anyway, ngobrol2 sama orang2 rumah bentar, trus memutuskan liat di internet ada film yang bagus ga yaa..
ehhhh tiba2, film yang uda gue nanti2kan sepanjang tahun, The Dark Knight uda tayang!!
gue langsung semangat ngajakin Ichsan.
and he said, "ok ok, we'll go.."
yauda, pergi deh ke tempat nonton biasa, gading. hehee.
ternyata sepii.. apa karna hari senin dan uda ga libur sekolah lagi ya?
*tau deh yang uda ga sekolah.. hihihi*
so then we watched it..
i'm speechless.
it's a very kudu wajib harus must see movie!!
ahhh.. *pingsan*
5 stars out of 5!!!!
ladies and gentlemen, please meet your grand champion of ayod's reviews!
Heath Ledger, rest in peace, but you rock, mate!!
the best portrayed Joker everrrr!!
eeeeee!!! *menggila*
viernes, julio 18, 2008
another thing i can't give up..
but come on. who am i kidding? those books that i'm supposed to read? BORING.
instead, i fill my brain up with books like the baby-sitters club, which is much more adequate for my intellectual level. hehehhee.
another reading material that i can never give up is..
or otherwise known as japanese comics.
yeah, my friends think i'm a geek for obsessing over comics and all, but honestly, i don't care.
kalo dirata-rata mungkin seminggu gue bisa beli satu komik.
karna skarang komik jepang buanyak banget jenisnya, i focus on series that i already know are good.
ato yang direkomendasiin temen.
now, since i got a boyfriend yang ternyata sama freaknya tentang komik, gue tambah ga peduli deh mo dibilang apa tentang komik2 gue. huehehehehe. =D
skarang karna koneksi internet di rumah uda oke, buat menghemat dan mumpung libur juga, gue baca banyak komik online. hehehe. =)
serial2 yang skarang lagi gue ikutin antara lain *bukan urutan prioritas*:
nodame chantabile
detective conan
perfect girl evolution
kalo buat yang uda tamat tapi terjemahan indonesianya masi jalan dan gue beli:
death note
prince of tennis
kalo yang uda tamat tapi baguss:
kareshi kanojo
penguin brothers
masi banyak sih yang lain, tapi itu dulu deh. hehehe.
ada juga serial2 bagus tapi blom sempet gue baca, kayak ouran high school host club ato apa gitu judulnya?
ada juga yang mencoba mempengaruhi gue buat baca naruto dan 20th century boys, but not yet.
pengen juga baca vagabond, tapi blom sempet.
oh well.
this is what vacation is for!! =)
jueves, julio 17, 2008
kebetean online
domingo, julio 13, 2008
a pleasant ordinary saturday
jueves, julio 10, 2008
a too long nap can cost you
apakah ini sebenernya cuman pelarian gue dari belajar buat her? =D
besok hari terakhir her infeksi dan penyakit tropik, ujiannya jam 1 ajah makanya gue masi melek. hehe.
lagian tadi gue ditelantarin di kosannya Ichsan mpe jam 8an gitu baru dijemput. huhu.
karna ga dijemput-jemput makanya gue jadi tidur siang-sore dengan berlebihan. hahahaha.
mpe Juan dan Gigon bilang, "yaampun ayod tiap kesini kerjaannya tidurrrr doang.."
hahaha. maap yaa.
anyway, not much is going on now..
tapi yang menyenangkan tadi uda pengumuman her blok imun, dan gue lulus!
yipiiiee! =)
ah, well, i think i'm off for the night.
coba tidur ahh. hehe.
martes, julio 08, 2008
oh life
filmnya oke oke.. boleh boleh.. walau gue dan Ichsan nahan ngantuk karna uda malem.. haha.
overall, 3,5 bintang dari 5! hehe.
film selesai jam 11! padahal besok paginya gue masi her skill lab, hehehe..
gila, gading uda gelap banget. keluar lewat pintu biasa juga uda ditutup. akhirnya keluar lewat pintu lain, trus duduk2 di deket trotoar depan mkg 3, nunggu dijemput.
overall, karna itu hari pertama ketemu setelah seminggu, whatever happened felt GREAT anyway! =)
domingo, julio 06, 2008
more serious fiction
We Need To Talk About Kevin - by Lionel Shriver
sekitar dua taun lalu, gue dan Vitra, kakak ipar gue, beliin ni buku buat kakak gue.
sebelum dikasi, gue baca dulu dongg.. hehehe. abisnya keliatannya menarik.
dan emang iya!
isi bukunya narasi gitu tentang seorang ibu yang punya anak cowok namanya Kevin. suatu hari Kevin ini ngebantai beberapa temen dan guru di sekolahnya. dia juga ngebunuh bapak sama ade cewenya di rumah.
sepanjang bukunya itu cerita ibunya menggali diri sendiri, sebenernya dia salah asuh apa sampe Kevin ngelakuin semua itu.
trus gimana proses dia berusaha memahami Kevin, memaafkan perbuatannya, dst.
bagus bagus! tapi sediiihhh..
Perfume: The Story of A Murderer - by Patrick Suskind
pada dasarnya gue suka cerita2 misteri yang agak2 sadis.
and this falls right into the category. =)
novel ini uda dijadiin film, meski gue blom pernah nonton.
if you don't like gruesome murders, this book is not for you. liat aja judulnya -- the story of a murderer!
overall, buku ini emang kerennn..
Every Fear - by Rick Mofina
aslinya gue beli buku ini buat hadiah ultahnya Kansha.. tapi ujung2nya gue pinjem. hihihihii..
karna Kansha juga suka misteri2 begitu, makanya gue pilihin ni buku..
ceritanya tentang bayi yang tiba2 diculik di depan mata ibunya. trus usaha mati2an deh nyari bayinya dan siapa penculiknya.
kedengeran standar ya, tapi alur ceritanya bikin deg2an banget lho!
anyways, i doubt my reviews are actually helpful. abisnya ntar ga seru kalo gue bablas cerita sinopsisnya. hehehe.
i'm just posting books i think are worth reading.
kalo ada buku lain yang bagus, never hesitate to share! =)
Graduation Day - the last book of my beloved baby-sitters club series?
please please pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?
pengen banget baca!!! huhuhuhuhu..
more and more
The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time - by Mark Haddon
it's about a boy with autism or some kind of other condition, i forgot, and he writes about things.
it's just interesting. trust me.
oh. wait. i forgot what else.
oh well. i can always post more later. =D
serious fiction i've read that i might actually like
i actually kinda like this story about the journey and friendship kind of thing.
i was quite alarmed when my dad told me that Karl May suffered from some kind of personality disorder that made him imprisoned, and that he wrote this book in jail while sort of pretending he really did experience what he described in his book, although in reality, he's a German who's never been to America, let alone all those places he described so intricately. shocking.
Angels and Demons - by Dan Brown
this is my favorite book by Dan Brown, considering that i have also read the Da Vinci Code and Deception Point.
i've noticed that all three of the Dan Brown books i've read are highly pack with action and twist and turns that are really interesting, but i've got to say that Angels and Demons win hands down.
although the story SOUNDED unrealistic at the beginning, when i read on i realized it's playing on the thin line between being imaginary and wait-a-moment-this-may-happen-heck-who-knows. which, to a person who's imagination sometimes runs to wild like me, is very intriguing. *hey, did i spell that right?*
anyway, this one has good good action.
The Stand - Stephen King
well, everybody says that Stephen King is a genius, so no more to say.
but it took me weeks to persuade myself to even read this. its thickness is monsterous. it just looked scary.
nevertheless, i just read it to rub myself off of studying. hehehehhee.. =D
Lord of The Rings - by JRR Tolkien
great great great.
although, if you're an easily bored person like me, i recommend just watching the movies. much better.
i watched on discovery channel or something that Tolkien wrote it based on his own life and his involvement in the World War. whatever. it's a great story anyway.
The Five People You Meet In Heaven - by Mitch Albom
wow. it's just very interesting.
makes you think about who will be the five people YOU meet in heaven.
if you're lucky enough to be in heaven anyway. haha.
i haven't read any Mitch Albom books besides this, though. i heard Tuesdays With Morrie is good, but i think it's non-fiction.
anyway, that's it for now.
i'll post more serious fiction and not-so-serious fiction later on that i've read.
any suggestions on good books i should read on an probably-below-average intellectual degree, let me know.
cherio! =)
sábado, julio 05, 2008
a letter to Ann M. Martin
i am a huge fan -or overly obsessive, according to my brother- of the Baby-Sitters Club series, which you wrote.
i remember the first BSC book i ever read was "Dawn on the coast" when i was 7 years old, and i never stopped reading the series ever since.
i'm originally from Indonesia, but i spent some years of my childhood in America, which is how english became my first fluent language.
i moved back to Indonesia when i was 7 years old. and when i moved back, a daughter of my dad's friend -who was turning 14 years old- gave me a whole box of her book collection, most of it was BSC books.
eventhough we have bookstores that sell imported books here, BSC books are still hard to find. so whenever i got the chance to go to Singapore, i buy every title i haven't read yet.
up until now, i still don't have a complete collection of BSC books, but i'm pretty happy with what i have.
growing up reading BSC really helped me preserve my english all the while i was in Indonesia. i'm STILL in Indonesia, but i can proudly say my english is still pretty fluent. and a lot of that has to do with my obsessive -according to my brother- reading of BSC books.
thanks to the internet, i know the BSC series has ended. although sadly, i haven't been able to get the last book - Graduation Day. i'm still trying to find out if i can find it online, but online shopping here in Indonesia isn't easy.
overall, i just want to say thank you for writing the wonderful BSC series.
and despite my brother says i've outgrown them, i will continue on my obsession on owning every single title, thus finding a way to obtain that last one.
and when i grow up more and get busy being a doctor and marry someone and have kids, i will definitely pass on my BSC books to them. or maybe only to my daughter, because my brother will probably be mortified if a nephew of his also reads BSC books.
warm regards,
thankful or suicidal?
tanggal 30 juni 2008, bertepatan dengan ulang tahun kakanda mas Ditto dan istri Vitra *iya, mereka ultahnya barengan*, gue berangkat ke Singapore dengan rombongan bersepuluh orang2 kantornya nyokap dan bokap..
seperti biasa, when something good happens in my life, something absolutely horrendous will follow right behind it.
dan itu terjadi lagi.
tepat di hari keberangkatan, yang seharusnya jadi awal sebuah liburan 4 hari yang membahagiakan, terusik oleh kabar dari seorang teman bahwa:
dan hari her-nya belom jelas kapan.
oh great.
yaa berhubung hotel dan tiket pp uda kebayar semua, ga mungkin gue tiba2 ga jadi pergi.
*pembenaran diri*
seriously, ga mungkin aja gitu.
sooo gue meredam panik, dan berharap ini semua mimpi buruk yang akan berakhir begitu gue sampe negeri orang.
but still, buat jaga2 gue bilang ke nyokap.
dannn seperti biasa, berhubung sifat santai itu genetis, nyokap pun menanggapinya dengan santai..
mungkin pikirannya, "anak gue, remed? hal biasaaa.."
maka, setelah sempet ym-an sebentar sama sang kakak di lab kampusnya dan istrinya yang katanya lagi ujian di lab kampusnya *tapi sempet2nya ym-an? hmm* untuk mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun untuk mereka berdua, berangkatlah gue ke Singapore..
nyampe sana uda malem, jadi ga kemana-mana.
nginepnya di link hotel, tiong bahru road.
makan malem steamboat deket hotel, trus ngopi2 *strawberry smoothie for me* di kafe deket hotel juga.
besoknya, ke sentosa island.
i wasn't that excited to go to sentosa, cause all i really wanted to do at Singapore was buy books i can't find in Indonesia. haha.
tapi yaa ngikut juga.
naik MRT abis itu naik cable car ke sentosa-nya.
kayaknya gara2 2 minggu di Jepang yang jalur keretanya ribetnya minta ampun, kemaren langsung fasih naik MRT yang simpel jalur2nya. hehe.
anyway, di sentosa pergi ke underwater world, which i have been to, so no surprise there.
abis underwater world, cineblast.
and it was actually a blast.. quite fun! =)
abis cineblast, nonton 4D..
not bad.. but i liked cineblast better.. =D
dari sentosa ke chinatown..
karna dapet tiket gratis chinatown heritage center, mampir situ..
dari chinatown ke orchard.
dan akhirnya ketemu sama Ijah! yey! =D
next day..
menerima kabar kalo her skill lab-nya hari kamis, tanggal 3 juli.
padahal gue baru balik hari jumat, tanggal 4!
oh this is just great..
but, got a lot of great books anyway..
next day..
menerima kabar kalo gue ga ikut her hari ini, gue harus ikut yang taun depan..
next day..
bokap ultah!
we went home.
dan di pesawat gue dilanda sakit perut yang teramat sangat karena masalah wanita..
gile, jarang2 sesakit itu loh!
bete banget!
1. i got almost, and actually more than, got what i expected to get at Singapore..
2. ..which is a bunch of books i'm totally crazy about
3. the trip put my parents in a great mood and you can never be too depressed when your parents are happy.
4. i got souvenirs for my friends, which i hope they'll like.
5. i got to meet one my greatest friends ever, Ijah while i was there.
bokap gue bilang doi yang bakal ngomong ke dosen gue perkara her skill lab itu.
and i suspect, kalo tetep ga boleh, my dad will be hopping mad about it.
just when i THOUGHT i was nearly suicidal due to the fact that i almost flunked myself out of college cause i missed a measley remedial, which i was stupid enough to have in the first place, my dad comes to save the day *or coming, cause we came back on the weekend, jadi baru bisa ngomong sama dosennya minggu depan* and i really did get more than i expected.
despite the fact that i may be in deep academic trouble, i guess i really should be thankful.
"karena, sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.
sungguh, bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan."
God is so true.